As a Friend, your support will help to bring more people with aphasia together and create opportunities to engage with life. To discover more, keep in touch and find out how you can contribute, sign up now:
Email us at: info@aphasiareconnect.org, or download a form and return it to us at: Aphasia Re-Connect, 17 Elm Road, Beckhenham, BR3 4JB
Why become a friend?
- We are a small, peer-led organisation, built on on goodwill and commitment
- Everyone is welcome and belongs
- Volunteers, with and without aphasia, are the life-blood of our organisation
- Our friends are a part of a vibrant community where everyone is recognised for their contribution
As a Friend of Aphasia Re-Connect, you can:
- Discover more about the work we do
- Support our work
- Get involved
- Contribute in whatever way you can
- Receive free training as a volunteer or peer leader
- Keep in touch and receive regular newsletters and updates
- Receive an Aphasia Re-Connect pin badge
Who can become a friend?
- Anyone can become a friend:
- People with aphasia
- Friends and family
- Healthcare professionals
- Wider supporters
How you can get involved
- Become a volunteer / peer supporter
- Involve friends and family
- Give a one-off donation
- Make a regular donation via Direct Debit or standing order
- Help us fundraise
- Come to our events
- Nominate us as your charity at your workplace
- Promote the work that we do